05 Dec The Evolution of Heating Systems
When the pilgrims landed in America, the standard home heating system was a fireplace. The fireplace was fine when most houses were small. When wealthy people started to build bigger houses, they needed a more efficient home heating system. This problem was temporarily solved with the invention of the Franklin Stove.
The Franklin stove was a cast iron stove that was used to heat the entire house. The stove was free standing and required fewer pieces of wood to operate efficiently. The Franklin stove later became the basis for the cooking appliance used in modern kitchens.
Central heating systems were introduced in the 20th century. The concept of central heating was first introduced in the time of the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans heated public bathhouses and the homes of the wealthy with a hypocaust system. Modern central heating systems use gas, propane and electricity. Furnace units are still used today, but there are also other heating options available. Homes can be heated using electricity or solar power.
Since the latter part of the 20th century, most of the homes constructed in the United States have and use some sort of central heating systems. Fireplaces and space heaters are often used along with central heating systems. The temperature on a central heating system can be used to heat one room or an entire home.
Temco is a leader in the service and installation of central heating systems for homes in Tucson. More than 80 percent of their customers find them through referrals. After every visit, customers are given a survey to ensure they are providing excellent customer service. Feedback is taken seriously. In fact, customer feedback has led to changes in their business process. Besides central heating, they also install radiant floors. Their exceptional level of customer service is noted in customer reviews and on the BBB website.
Need heating and cooling solutions for your Tucson home? Call Tucson Air Environmental at (520)622-2909 today for all your heating and cooling needs. We are proud to provide Tucson Heating and Cooling at the highest level.
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