Temco Air Environmental Projects Utilizing the Gas Fired Heat Pumps Distributed from Intellichoice Energy

Temco Air Environmental Projects Utilizing the Gas Fired Heat Pumps Distributed from Intellichoice Energy

  1. Fort Huachuca Bldg 22216 (Contracting Office – 2 Story Historical Bldg Retrofit)
  2. Fort Huachuca Bldg 91112 (Drone Training Site and Hanger Facility-Retrofit)
  3. Fort Huachuca Greeley Hall (VTC Commanders Head Quarters-Retrofit)
  4. Davis Monthan AFB (DOD Demonstration Projects Since 2003-PGHP)
  5. The New Armory Building (7 Story Care Facility coupled with Solar- LEED Gold, New Construction)
  6. Marcos De Niza High School (Learning Laboratory – Teacher Lounge)
  7. Southwest Gas Corp. Building, Casa Grande (Utility Building Retrofit Installation)
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