Building Trust by Telling the Truth

Building Trust by Telling the Truth

I just read an excellent article written by Mike Myatt (Wed Oct 7 2009 “A No Spin Zone”) on trust and how telling the truth is the basis for any successful business. The author lists 9 reasons for making your business a no-spin zone.  Although you will find all 9 reasons compelling, I am including  my two favorites:

Truth strengthens your reputation and enhances your personal brand

  • If you consistently and effortlessly tell the truth a strange thing happens…other people will notice. You will quickly earn the respect of others by becoming known as a person of character and integrity. There is no more valuable mental association you can tie to your personal brand than that of integrity.

Truth is a powerful example

  • As a leader you have in fact chosen to be a role model and as such it is incumbent upon you to model the truth. When friends, peers, subordinates, competitors, vendors, partners, suppliers, investors, lenders, etc. see that you actually walk the talk, you will not only have earned their confidence and respect, but you’ll find that they will also try to model that behavior.

Temco Air is proud to be the recipient of the Better Business Bureau’s 2009 Business Ethics Award. And that’s the truth!

You can read more of Mike’s 9 reasons for telling the truth at

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